Brew Rite Coffee Filters
by Don Hendrix
(Rock Port, MO USA)
I have a package of 8-12 cup basket style filters and I can't hardly get them apart. The product number is 71287-45201.
Answer:There are several inexpensive products that you can purchase to help make it much easier to remove paper coffee filters from each other. This is a common problem when using paper filters.
Harold Coffee Tools Filter Separator
Separates and dispenses a single paper coffee filter. No more stuck-together paper coffee filters. No more overflowing coffee brewers. Squeeze and pick up filter. Improves hand dexterity.
One At A Time Filter Plucker
One at a time filter grabber plucks a single coffee filter each and every time leaving the rest behind with little effort on your part. No more fumbling in the morning. Keeps filters neat clean and dry. Plastic 5'.
Stick 'n' Lift Coffee Filter Separator
Probably one of the least expensive paper filter separators available. Works Every-time - FREE First Class Mail shipping. Extract Coffee Filters with Just One Touch. After Continuous Usage, Simply Clean with Soap and Water. Perfect for People with Arthritis.
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