Bronze Cold Drip Coffee Maker
Hario Water Dripper 'POTA' Bronze (Manual Cool Coffee Maker)
Is the "bottom reserve" a bowl of glass setting on a bronze ring? The coffee concentrate touches only glass right? Can I remove the concentrate and heat it for hot coffee?
Answer:I assume you are asking about the
Hario Water Dripper 'POTA' Bronze (Manual Cool Coffee Maker).
If you are using this coffee maker you can use it for iced coffee and hot coffee. It will make about 5 cups of iced coffee in two hours. This is much better coffee than hot brewed. It is a mild coffee without acidity or bitterness or astringency.
As for your questions, it is just easier to explain how to use the coffee maker. To use the coffee maker just add coffee grinds into the basket, then fill the upper globe with water. After that you need to adjust the flow of water by turning the valve so the water drips slowly and evenly over the coffee grounds. You should have around 5 cups of exceptional tasting coffee after about 2 hours.