Canadian Beauty Automatic Coffee Percolator

by Warren


What should one expect to pay for a Canadian Beauty in excellent condition along with the original box and instructions and a pamphlet with all of the Canadian Beauty Electric Appliances?

I couldn't find any information on this particular item. Maybe there are some antique collectors that could answer this for you.

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Oct 07, 2013
Candian Beauty Products NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi -

I used to have a percolator like this but sold it years ago because it didn't make enough coffee (we are big coffee drinkers in my household). Mine only made about 6 cups at a time.

I have tried research but so far haven't been able to find much.

What I do know is this: Canadian Beauty was a line of small electric housewares produced by the Renfrew Refrigerator Company in Renfrew, Ontario. I've seen portable heaters, toasters, coffee makers, etc. and I would wager they more than likely produced electric irons, sandwich grills, and waffle irons.

I've seen two models of Canadian Beauty percolators. They produced automatic and semi-automatic models. Mine was an automatic and had a little red "jewel" on the base that would come on ever so faintly when the coffee was done. I saw the semi-automatic in an antique store and, instead of the jewel, it had a knob marked "L-M-H" (presumably for Low, Medium and High). I guess you'd start it on high till the coffee was perking, then set it to medium to perk, then to low to keep the coffee hot.

I saw a similar coffee maker at another antique store, but this one was made by "Opal Products" and I can't remember where it would have been produced. The coffee pot assembly itself was exactly the same, except instead of the high, sweeping handle, there was just a plain square handle (like what you'd find on a stovetop perk).

I'd say to Google Renfrew Refrigerator and start from there. It's been difficult so far to find anything on them.

Lastly: I paid about $35 for my coffee maker - sold it for the same price.

Hope this helps!

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