How to Re-Load
the Camco Pop - A - Filter
by Marlene
(Louisville, KY, USA)
How do I load my #4 cone filters into filter holder 57081
From Randy:
You should be able to just pull the unit open, then you just set them in the hole and close the holder. Directions should have been supplied along with the holder. From the picture it appears once the holder is screwed into place wherever you want it, you just pop it open and drop the cone or basket filters into the hole where they dispense, and then shut the holder. It should be ready to dispense the filters after closing.
They are available for other items, and they all seem to work in a similar manner. You just install the holder, open the cover, and drop in the item, such as
coffee filters,
paper plates,
and many other items that are suitable for RV's or at home, etc.