Please bring it back!
General Foods International Coffee Sugar Free Cafe Vienna
by Karen
(Florence, AL)
Sugar Free Cafe Vienna
I've been a loyal fan of General Foods International Coffee Sugar Free Cafe Vienna
for probably more than 25 years?! I think I've been drinking it every morning of the world since before my daughter was born 26 years ago. The only way I've been able to get it the last couple of years is to get a local grocer to order it by the case for me, but even they have not been able to get it from their warehouse lately. Is it true it's been discontinued? NOOOOOOOO! Please bring it back!
From Randy:
You can sign up here:
General Foods International Coffee Sugar Free Cafe Vienna
to be notified if it comes back in stock. However, it is my understanding that General Foods is revamping the drink mixes and will be coming out with them under the Maxwell House name. Some of the flavors are already being sold. You can check for them here:
Maxwell House International Coffee Drink Mixes.
If you have questions or comments you can contact the manufacturer directly at this address:
Kraft Foods Consumer Relations
Post Office Box Y
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706